Elizabeth P. Turtle Bibliography Refereed Journal Articles


  • Elizabeth P. Turtle

P41B-01, 2004. Paganelli F., Lopes R.M., Turtle E.P., Williams D.A., Olympus Mass Movement Study from Mars Global Surveyor and Comparison with Io's Volcanoes and Mountains from Galileo Mission, EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V33C-1482, 2004. McEwen A., Dawson D., Denk T., Helfenstein P., Johnson T., Neukum G., Porco C., Roatsch T., Peter T., Turtle E., Early Cassini Imaging Observations of Saturnian Moons, GSA Abstracts with Programs 36, p. 20, 2004. Turtle E.P., McEwen A.S., Perry J., Campbell S., Dawson D.D., West R.A., Johnson T.V., Porco C.C., Cassini ISS Team, Cassini ISS observations of the surface of Titan, B.A.A.S. 36, #6.01, 2004. West R., DelGenio A., McEwen A., Barbara J., Turtle E.P., Perry J., Porco C.C., Cassini ISS Team, Titan’s Atmosphere: An Early Cassini ISS Perspective, B.A.A.S. 36, #22.07, 2004. Denk T., Neukum G., Roatsch T., Wagner R., McEwen A., Turtle E.P., Johnson T., Helfenstein P., Porco C.C., Cassini ISS Team, First Cassini ISS Observations of Iapetus, B.A.A.S. 36, #4.08, 2004. Turtle E.P., McEwen A.S., Dawson D.D., West R.A., Porco C.C., Cassini ISS Observations of the Surface of Titan During Approach to Saturn and the T0 Distant Flyby, April-July 2004, Eos. Trans. AGU, 85(28), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., #P14A-03. Turtle E.P., Pierazzo E., Collins G.S., Osinski G.R., Melosh H.J., Morgan J.V., Reimold W.U., Spray J.G., Impact Structures: What Does Crater Diameter Mean? LPSC XXXV, #1772, 2004. Turtle E.P., Jaeger W.L., Milazzo M., Keszthelyi L.P., McEwen A.S., Building Mountains on Io: Implications for Io's Lithosphere, LPSC XXXV, #2069, 2004. Jaeger W.L., Keszthelyi L.P., Turtle E.P., Lithospheric Recycling on Io: The Role of Delamination, LPSC XXXV, #2048, 2004. Lopes R.M.C., Kamp L.W., Smythe W.D., Radebaugh J., Turtle E., Perry J., Bruno B., Global Distribution of Active Volcanism on Io as Known at the End of the Galileo Mission, LPSC XXXV, #1837, 2004. Melosh H.J., Turtle E.P., Ridges on Europa: Origin by Incremental Ice-Wedging, LPSC XXXV, #2029, 2004. Radebaugh J., Jaeger W.L., Keszthelyi L.P., Turtle E.P., Milazzo M.P., Perry J., McEwen A.S., Lopes R., Davies A.G., Geissler P., Relationships Between Paterae, Mountains, and Hotspots on Io from a Global Database, LPSC XXXV, #2067, 2004. Turtle E.P., What Europa's Impact Craters Reveal: Results of Numerical Simulations, Workshop on Europa's Icy Shell: Past, Present, and Future, Houston, Texas, 6-8 Feb. 2004, #7020, -Invited. Turtle E.P., Pathare A.V., Crown D.A., Chuang F.C., Hartmann W.K., Heinze J.C., Bueno N.F., Modeling the Deformation of Lobate Debris Aprons on Mars by Creep of Ice-rich Permafrost, Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C21C-0830, 2003. Bueno N.F. and Turtle E.P., An Analysis of Lobate Debris Aprons East of Hellas, Mars: Implications for Ground Ice Distribution, GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts, 2003. Turtle E.P., Pathare A.V., Crown D.A., Chuang F.C., Hartmann W.K., Greenham J.C., Bueno N.F., Modeling the Formation of Lobate Debris Aprons on Mars by Creep of Ice-rich permafrost, In 3rd Int'l Conf. On Mars Polar Science and Exploration, LPI Contribution #1184, 2003. Bart G., Turtle E.P., Jaeger W.L., Keszthelyi L.P., Greenberg R., Possible Surface Effects of Tidal Stress on Io, B.A.A.S. 35 #2.04, 2003. Lopes R.M.C., Kamp L.W., Smythe W.D., Howell R., Mouginis-Mark P., Kargel J., Radebaugh J., Turtle E.P., Perry J., Williams D., Carlson R.W., Doute S., Lava Lakes on Io? B.A.A.S. 35 #2.02, 2003. Williams D.A., Keszthelyi L.P., Turtle E.P., Radebaugh J., Jaeger W.L., Milazzo M.P., McEwen A.S., Moore J.M., Schenk P.M., Lopes R.M.C., Greeley R., Regional Geologic Mapping of Io using Galileo Spacecraft Data, B.A.A.S. 35 #2.03, 2003. Collins G.S., Ivanov B.A., Turtle E.P., Melosh H.J., Numerical Simulations of Silverpit Crater Collapse. In 3rd Int'l. Conf. On Large Meteorite Impacts, LPI Contrib. #1167, 2003. Turtle E.P., Showman, A.P., The Importance of High-Resolution Topographic Data for Understanding Geologic Processes and Subsurface Properties of the Galilean Satellites, Forum of Concepts and Approaches for Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter, Houston, Texas, 12-14 June 2003. Madsen, S.N., Carsey, F.D., Turtle, E.P., Fine Resolution Topographic Mapping of the Jovian Moons: A Ka-Band High Resolution Topographic Mapping Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Forum of Concepts and Approaches for Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter, Houston, Texas, 12-14 June 2003. Turtle E.P., Jaeger W.L., McEwen A.S., Milazzo M., Keszthelyi L.P., Building Mountains on Io, EGS/AGU EAE03-A-12166, 2003 -Invited. Turtle E.P., Pathare A.V., Crown D.A., Hartmann W.K., Greenham J.C., Hartness, N., Modeling the Formation of Debris Aprons on Mars by Creep of Ice-Rich Permafrost, EGS/AGU EAE03-A-07809, 2003. Turtle E.P., Pathare A.V., Crown D.A., Hartmann W.K., Greenham J.C., Hartness, N., Modeling the Formation of Debris Aprons on Mars by Creep of Ice-Rich Permafrost, LPSC XXXIV, #1891, 2003. McEwen A., Turtle E., Burr D., Milazzo M., Lanagan P., Christensen P., Boyce J., and the THEMIS Science Team, Discovery of a Large Rayed Crater on Mars: Implications for Recent Volcanic and Fluvial Activity and the Origin of Martian Meteorites, LPSC XXXIV, #2040, 2003. Collins G.S., Turtle E.P., Melosh H.J., Numerical Simulations of Silverpit Crater Collapse, LPSC XXXIV, #2115, 2003. Keszthelyi L., Jaeger W.L., McEwen A.S., Turtle E.P., Io's Interior: A Synthesis View at the End of the Galileo Era, LPSC XXXIV, #1760, 2003. Williams D.A., Turtle E.P., Keszthelyi L.P., Jaeger W.L., Radebaugh J., Milazzo M.P., McEwen A.S., Moore J.M., Schenk P.M., Lopes R.M.C., Greeley R., Mapping of the Culann-Tohil Region of Io, LPSC XXXIV, #1176, 2003. Collins G.S. and Turtle E.P., Modeling Complex Crater Collapse, In Impact Cratering: Bridging the Gap Between Modeling and Observations, LPI Contrib. #1155, 2003 -Invited. Collins G.S., Turtle E.P., Melosh H.J., Numerical Simulations of Silverpit Crater Collapse: A Comparison of Tekton and SALES 2, In Impact Cratering: Bridging the Gap Between Modeling and Observations, LPI Contrib. #1155, 2003. Turtle E.P., Milazzo M., Jaeger W.L., McEwen A.S., Keszthelyi L.P., Tectonics on Io: Implications for lithospheric structure, Eos. Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P72B-0501, 2002. Jaeger W.L., and Turtle E.P., Constraints on the Thickness of the Ionian Lithosphere, Eos. Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P72B-0502, 2002. Turtle E.P. and Ivanov B.A., Simulations of Crater Excavation and Collapse on Europa, 8th workshop of the European Science Foundation program IMPACT: Impact Tectonism, Mora, Sweden, June 2002. Turtle E.P., Jaeger W.L., McEwen, A.S., Keszthelyi L.P., Milazzo M.P., Simonelli D., Galileo SSI Team, New Galileo Observations of Ionian Mountains, Eos. Trans. AGU, Spring Meet. Suppl., Abs. #P22A05, 2002 -Invited. Turtle E.P., Pathare A.V., Hartmann W.K., Crown D., Esquerdo G.A., Characterizing viscous creep deformation of Martian landforms in Noachis and Hellas using MOC and MOLA data, Eos. Trans. AGU, Spring Meet. Suppl., Abs. #P42A-10, 2002. Kivelson M.G., Khurana K.K., Lopes R., Turtle E., Polar Passes by Io: Limits on the Internal Field and Sources of Field-Aligned Currents in the Polar Cap, Eos. Trans. AGU, Spring Meet. Suppl., Abs. #P22A-03, 2002. Turtle E.P. and Ivanov B.A., Numerical Simulations of Impact Crater Excavation and Collapse on Europa: Implications for Ice Thickness, LPSC XXXIII, #1431, 2002. Turtle E.P. et al., New Galileo Observations of Ionian Mountains, LPSC XXXIII, #1677, 2002. Zhang Q., Radebaugh J., Turtle E.P., Keszthelyi L.P., Milazzo M.P., Jaeger W.L., McEwen A.S., Investigation of the Distribution and Characteristics of Ionian Paterae Using a Relational Database, LPSC XXXIII, #1745, 2002. Jaeger W.L., Turtle E.P., Keszthelyi L.P., McEwen A.S., The Effect of Thrust Fault Geometries on the Surface Deformation of Io: Implications for Mountains and Paterae, LPSC XXXIII, #1741, 2002. Keszthelyi L. et al., Galileo SSI Observations of Io During Orbits C30-I33, LPSC XXXIII, #1454, 2002. Lopes R.M.C. et al., Galileo's Last Fly-Bys of Io: NIMS Observations of Loki, Tupan, and Emakong Calderas, LPSC XXXIII, #1793, 2002. Pathare A.V., Paige D.A., Turtle E.P., Hartmann W.K., Viscous Creep Relaxation of Impact Craters Within the Martian Polar Layered Deposits, LPSC XXXIII, #1972, 2002. Turtle E.P., Ivanov B.A., A Lower Limit on the Thickness of Europa's Ice Shell from Numerical Simulations of Impact Cratering, Eos. Trans. AGU, 82, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abs. #P12B-0499, 2001. McEwen A. et al., Galileo SSI Images of Io During the I31 and I32 Flybys, Eos. Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract #P11A-09, 2001. Pathare A.V., Paige D.A., Turtle E.P., Viscous Creep Relaxation of Impact Craters Within the Martian Polar Layered Deposits, Eos. Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract #P22A-0535, 2001. McEwen A. et al., Recent Galileo and Cassini Observations of the Galilean Satellites, B.A.A.S., 33, 2001. Turtle E.P., Jaeger W.L., McEwen A.S., Keszthelyi L.P., Ionian Mountain Formation Models, Jupiter: Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Conf. Boulder, CO, 25-30 June 2001, p. 117. Ivanov B.A., Turtle E.P. Penetration of the ice crust on Europa during impact cratering: A lower limit for the ice thickness, Jupiter: Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Conf. Boulder, CO, 25-30 June 2001, pp. 54-55. McEwen A.S., Turtle E.P., The Lithosphere of Io, Jupiter: Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Conf. Boulder, CO, 25-30 June 2001, pp. 71-72. Melosh H.J., Turtle E.P., A Model for Ridge Formation on Europa, Jupiter: Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Conf. Boulder, CO, 25-30 June 2001, pp. 73-74. Milazzo M.P., Geissler P.E., Greenberg R., Keszthelyi L.P., McEwen A.S., Radebaugh J., Turtle E.P., Non-Synchronous Rotation of Io, Jupiter: Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Conf. Boulder, CO, 25-30 June 2001, pp. 75-76. Radebaugh J., Keszthelyi L., McEwen A., Turtle E., Milazzo M., Jaeger W., and the Galileo SSI Team, Formation and Evolution of Paterae on Io from Galileo SSI, Jupiter: Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Conf. Boulder, CO, 25-30 June 2001, pp. 86-87. Turtle E.P., Pathare A.V., Hartmann W.K., Esquerdo G.A., Investigating Creep of Ground Ice as a Cause of Crater Relaxation in Martian High-Latitude Softened Terrain, EOS Trans. AGU 82, S245, 2001. Turtle, E.P. and E. Pierazzo, Vapor and Melt Production During the Formation of Impact Craters on Europa, LPSC XXXII, #1933, 2001. Turtle, E.P., A.V. Pathare, W.K. Hartmann, G. Esquerdo, Investigating Creep of Ground Ice as a Cause of Crater Relaxation in Martian High-Latitude Softened Terrain, LPSC XXXII, #2044, 2001. Turtle, E.P., W.L. Jaeger, L. Keszthelyi, A.S. McEwen, Formation Models of Ionian Mountains, LPSC XXXII, #2104, 2001. Ivanov B.A., Turtle E.P., Modeling Impact Crater Collapse: Acoustic Fluidization Implemented into a Hydrocode, LPSC XXXII, #1284, 2001. Jaeger W.L., Turtle E.P., Keszthelyi L.P., McEwen A.S., Orogenic Tectonism on Io, LPSC XXXII, #2045, 2001. McEwen A. et al., Cassini and Galileo Imaging Observations of Io, LPSC XXXII, #1824, 2001. Milazzo M.P., Geissler P.E., Greenberg R., Keszthelyi L.P., McEwen A.S., Radebaugh J., Turtle E.P., Does Io Rotate Non-Synchronously?, LPSC XXXII, #2089, 2001. Turtle, E.P., Pierazzo, E., Melt Production During the Formation of Impact Craters on Europa, EOS Trans. AGU 81 (Fall Mtg. Suppl.), F793-794, 2000. Ivanov, B.A., Turtle, E.P., Acoustic Fluidization: Implementation Into a Hydrocode and Results for Impact Crater Collapse, EOS Trans. AGU 81 (Fall Mtg. Suppl.), F800, 2000. Jaeger W.L., Turtle E.P., Mountain Formation on Io: The Effect of Mantle Convection on Lithospheric Stresses, GSA Abstracts 32 (Annual Mtg.), 2000. Turtle E.P., Jaeger W.L., McEwen A.S., Keszthelyi L., Numerical modeling of mountain formation on Io, B.A.A.S. 32, 1046, 2000. Turtle, E.P. and E. Pierazzo, Impact Heating During Formation of the Vredefort Structure, In Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond, LPI Contrib. #1053, 233-234, 2000. Turtle, E.P. et al., Mountains on Io: New Observations and Formation Models, EOS Trans. AGU 81 (Spring Mtg. Suppl.), S289, 2000. Jaeger, W.L., Turtle, E.P., McEwen, A.S., Keszthelyi, L.P., and the Galileo SSI Team, Possible Tectonic Origin for Hiiaka Patera, Io, EOS Trans. AGU 81 (Spring Mtg. Suppl.) S291, 2000. Turtle, E.P., Jaeger, W.L., Keszthelyi, L.P., McEwen, A.S., Formation Models of Ionian Mountains, LPSC XXXI, #1960, 2000. Turtle, E.P., Keszthelyi, L.P., McEwen, A.S., Milazzo, M., Simonelli, D.P., Galileo SSI Team, Observations of Ionian Mountains, LPSC XXXI, #1948, 2000. Geissler, P. et al., New Results on Io's Color and Composition, LPSC XXXI, #1968, 2000. McEwen A.S. et al., High Resolution Images of Io from Galileo SSI, LPSC XXXI, #1995, 2000. Moore, J.M., Sullivan, R.J., Pappalardo, R.T., Turtle, E.P., and the Galileo SSI Team, Degradation and Deformation of Scarps and Slopes on Io: New Results, LPSC XXXI, #1531, 2000. Turtle, E.P., McEwen, A.S., Keszthelyi, L.P., Galileo SSI Team, Formation of Mountains on Io, EOS, Trans. AGU 80(46), Fall Meeting Suppl., F623, 1999. Turtle, E.P., Phillips, C.B., Melosh, H.J., McEwen, A.S., Constraints on the thickness of the Europan lithosphere from numerical models of crater collapse, B.A.A.S. 31, p. 1177, 1999. McEwen, A., Phillips, C., Turtle, E., Geissler, P., Simonelli, D., Galileo SSI Team, Io: Recent Imaging Results from Galileo, B.A.A.S., 31, pp. 1163-1164, 1999. Phillips, C.B., McEwen, A.S., Turtle, E.P., Keszthelyi, L.P., Geissler, P.E., Simonelli, D.P., Galileo Imaging Team, Volcanic Activity on Io from Galileo Images, B.A.A.S., 31, p. 1187, 1999. Turtle, E.P., Phillips, C.B., Melosh, H.J., McEwen, A.S., Implications of crater and ridge morphologies for Europa’s subsurface structure, EGS XXIV, 1999. Turtle, E.P., McEwen, A.S., Kesztheyli, L.P., Schenk, P.M., Formation and evolution of Ionian mountains, LPSC XXX, #1971, 1999. Turtle, E.P. et al., Europan impact crater diameters and inferred transient crater dimensions and excavation depths, LPSC XXX, #1882, 1999. Milazzo, M., et al., Medium Resolution Imaging of Europa: A View from Pole to Pole, LPSC XXX, #1979, 1999. Moore, J.M., et al., Impact Features on Europa: Results of the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM), LPSC XXX, #1485, 1999. Turtle, E.P., Melosh, H.J., Phillips, C.B., Tectonic Modeling of the Formation of Europan Ridges, EOS, Trans. AGU, 79(45), Fall Meeting Suppl., F541, 1998. Moore et al., Impact Features on Europa: Results of the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM), B.A.A.S., 30, 1998. Turtle, E.P. and Melosh, H.J., Can exponential creep of olivine explain the formation of the ring around Chicxulub?, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 33(4), Suppl., p. A157, 1998. Turtle, E.P., Melosh, H.J., Phillips, C.B., Europan Ridges: Tectonic Response to Dike Formation, EOS Trans. AGU, 79(17), Spring Meeting Suppl., S203, 1998. Turtle, E.P., et al., AMBASSADOR: Asteroid Sample Return Mission to 7 Iris, Third IAA Int’l. Conf. on Low-Cost Planetary Missions, 1998. Turtle, E.P., Phillips, C.B., McEwen, A.S., Moore, J.M., Greeley, R., Galileo SSI Team, Numerical Modeling of Multi-Ring Impact Craters on Europa: Implications for Subsurface Structure, LPSC XXVIII, #1325, 1998. Turtle, E.P. and Melosh, H.J., Numerical Modeling of the Role of Plastic Behavior in the Collapse of Large Impact Craters, LPSC XXIX, #1780, 1998. Turtle, E.P. and Melosh, H.J., Numerical Modeling of the Formation of Multiring Basins. In Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution (Sudbury 1997), LPI Contrib. No. 922, 1997. Turtle, E.P. and Phillips, C.B., Multi-ring Basins on Europa: Implications for Subsurface Structure, B.A.A.S., 29, 1997. Kring, D.A., et al., Composition of Earth's Continental Crust as Inferred from Impact Melts in the Maya Block and Kaapvaal Craton. In Seventh Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conf., LPI Contribution No. 921, pp. 117-118, 1997. Turtle, E.P. and Pierazzo, E., Constraints on the Size of the Vredefort Impact Crater from Numerical Modeling, LPSC XXVIII, 1997. Turtle E.P. and Melosh H.J., Finite-Element Modeling of the Vredefort Impact Structure: Implications for the Formation of Multi-Ring Impact Craters. EOS Trans. AGU, 77, Fall Meet. Suppl., F444, 1996. Turtle, E.P. and Melosh, H.J., Finite-Element Modeling of the Vredefort Impact Structure with Implications for the Collapse and Modification Stage of Large Crater Formation, LPSC XXVII, 1996. Janes, D.M. and Turtle, E.P., Gravity Signatures of Corona Precursors on Venus: Reality vs. Prediction, LPSC XXVII, 1996. Turtle, E.P. and Melosh, H.J., Martian Elastic Lithospheric Thickness from Flexural and Gravitational Modeling, LPSC XXVI, 1995. Turtle, E.P. and Melosh, H.J., Stress and Flexural Modeling of Alba Patera, Mars. EOS , Transactions, AGU Fall Meeting, 75, 1994. Turtle, E.P. and Melosh, H.J., Stress and Flexural Modeling of Alba Patera, Mars. LPSC XXV, 1994. Hubbard, W.B. et al., The occultation of 28 SGR by Saturn Saturn pole position and astrometry, Icarus, 103, pp. 215-234, 1993. Turtle E., Porco C., Haemmerle V., Hubbard W., Clark R., The Kinematics of Eccentric Features in Saturn's Cassini Division from Combined Voyager and Ground-based Data, B.A.A.S., 23, p. 1179, 1991. Turtle E. et al., The Kinematics of Saturn's Major Narrow Rings from Combined Voyager and Groundbased Data, B.A.A.S., 22, p. 1041, 1990. Hubbard W.B. et al., Saturn Pole Position and Ring Radius Scale from 28 Sgr Occultation, B.A.A.S., 22, p. 1041, 1990.

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تاریخ انتشار 2005